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Franklinville’s Carpet & Flooring Emporium

We offer 12 months no interest with payment purchase with sales over $1000

Family-Owned & Operated for Almost 50 Years

For almost 50 years, the Corwonski family has owned and operated Highland Carpet Outlet. Originally started on a 300-acre farm in Malaga, NJ by brothers Steve and Andy Corwonski, the business has grown and expanded over the decades since its inception. Now owned and operated by their children, Highland Carpet Outlet has a team of trained installers with over 30 years of experience in the flooring industry. Our Franklinville, NJ location has a remnant building loaded with five rooms of various rugs – rems, braided, bound, and oriental. Our warehouse is fully-stocked with multiple flooring types – hardwood, laminate, tile, and designs. Come browse our remnant building and warehouse today!

Area Rugs
modern living room

Learn More About Our Close-Knit & Professional Team

The close-knit team at Highland Carpet Outlet is comprised of generations of Corwonskis, all of whom are professionals dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. Michael is one of our highly-trained installers who has experience with all types of hard-surface flooring. He specializes in vinyl, hardwood, and laminate floor installations. Bernadette and Tom are our professional sales representatives. Paul has been with us for over 30 years and started as an installer before transitioning into a sales representative role. Our sales representatives walk you through the process of choosing your flooring, getting an estimate for the job, scheduling your appointment, and arranging for the installation. Since we put our customers first at Highland Carpet Outlet, we will ensure there’s an appointment that fits into your busy schedule. Our team is ready to help!

large, beautiful kitchen

The Flooring Store You Have to See to Believe

Highland Carpet Outlet provides residents of Franklinville, NJ with a wide variety of rugs and flooring options. We want our customers to always have various possibilities when it comes to stylizing and accessorizing their homes. In addition to our vast remnant room of carpets and expansive warehouse of flooring, we also carry rugs representing your favorite sports teams and so much more! At Highland Carpet Outlet, our team of dedicated professionals is trained and equipped to assist you with all your carpet or flooring needs. We offer 12 months of no-interests payment to ensure the very best value for our customers.

Hear From Our Customers

1736 Dutch Mill Road
Franklinville NJ 08322


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Evening appointments by request.

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Highland Carpet, Dutch Mill Road, Franklinville, NJ, USA